FemBuilder will produce a message regarding Application Dlls that states"

Failed to load Hero application DLL. Hierarachic results may not be accurately represented

The solution for this condition is to check the registry to see if you have an InstallDir defined.

The following steps will show you whether the InstallDir is correctly in place.  If at any point during these steps, you don't see the described option, skip to the next section.

  1.  Go to Start Programs
  2.  Type regedit in the command line
  3.  Right-click on regedit.exe and Run Elevated
  5. Expand SOFTWARE
  6. Expand ATK
  7. Expand Fem Builder
  8. Expand Version 4
  9. Select InstallDir
  10. Verify that the value is C:\Program Files\ATK\FemBuilder 4

The following steps will create the InstallDir key where it is needed:

  1.  Go to Start Programs
  2.  Type regedit in the command line
  3.  Right-click on regedit.exe and Run Elevated
  5. Expand SOFTWARE
  6. If there is an ATK key, expand it.  
    1. Otherwise, right -click on Software. Select New->Key and enter ATK
    2. Right -click on ATK. Select New->Key and enter Fem Builder (include the space)
    3. Right -click on Fem Builder. Select New->Key and enter Version 4(include the space)
    4. Right -click on Version 4->New->Key and enter InstallDir
    5. Select InstallDir
    6. In the right screen, right-click on Default and select Modify
    7. Enter C:\Program Files\ATK\FemBuilder 4 (including the spaces) in the Value data field.
    8. Click OK
  7. These steps should be followed beginning at the first level where the key is not defined - ATK->Fem Builder->Version 4->InstallDir