In addition to having the ability to read and write NX files from within FEM Builder, the FEM Builder NX Plugin adds the ability to read and write FEM Builder files (*.fdb) from within NX. The NX Plugin is included with the FEM Builder installation and can be activated by following these steps:
- Look for the Windows environment variable UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE
- If that environment variable exists:
- Open the file that the environment variable value points to in a text editor
- Add the full path to the External\NXplugin folder under the FEM Builder installation directory as a new line in that file, e.g. C:\Program Files\NGC\FemBuilder 5\External\NXplugin
- If that environment variable does not exist:
- Create an environment variable named UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE with value C:\Program Files\ATK\FemBuilder 4\External\NXplugin\nx_custom_dirs.dat
- Go into the C:\Program Files\NGC\FemBuilder 5\External\NXplugin directory and create a new file named nx_custom_dirs.dat
- Add the following as the only line in that file: C:\Program Files\NGC\FemBuilder 5\External\NXplugin
- Relaunch NX
Options to read and write FEM Builder files can then be found in the NX menu: